Your Child’s Vision Matters Most

At Family Eye Wellness, we understand that your child’s vision is key to their overall development and success. As a parent, you want the best for your little ones, and that’s why we emphasize the importance of pediatric eye care right from the start.

Why We Prioritize Your Child’s Vision

At Family Eye Wellness, we prioritize pediatric eye care, often going beyond the limitations of standard vision plans. Children’s eye exams require a unique skill set and specialized equipment tailored to their needs. Our commitment to providing the highest quality care ensures comprehensive, individualized assessments for your child.

The Expertise in Pediatric Eye Care

Not all optometrists have the specialized training required for pediatric eye care. Our team has undergone extensive training, focusing specifically on the unique aspects of children’s eye health. From creating a comfortable environment to using child-friendly assessment techniques, our expertise ensures a positive experience for your child.

Ensuring Your Child’s Brighter Future

A child’s vision is pivotal for their learning and development. Regular eye exams during crucial stages of growth and learning are essential to detect and address any vision-related issues. Clear vision is not just about seeing; it’s about ensuring your child has every opportunity to excel in school, play, and life.

About Us

Take Action for Your Child’s Vision

We encourage parents to prioritize their child’s eye health by scheduling regular eye exams. Early detection and intervention can pave the way for a brighter, clearer, and more successful future for your child.

At Family Eye Wellness, we are dedicated to providing exceptional care for your child’s vision needs. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and ensure your child sees the world clearly from the very beginning.

Your child’s vision matters. Let’s ensure their brightest future together.

Secure your child’s visual health and future success with our comprehensive eye exam for only $149. Spend up to an hour with Dr. Patel getting answers to all your questions when it comes to your child’s visual health. The eye exam includes vision check, eye health check, dilation and retinal imaging (age dependent). Invest in their clear vision and academic potential today!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are Infant Eye Exams?

Infant eye exams are specialized evaluations designed for our youngest patients. Conducted within the first year of life, these gentle assessments focus on evaluating vision development, eye health, and alignment. Even though your little one may not yet speak, their eyes have stories to tell.
Early eye exams for infants are pivotal. They enable us to detect and address potential issues in visual development. Identifying concerns early can significantly impact a child’s overall eye health and sometimes prevent more serious problems from developing later in life.

What are Children’s Eye Exams?

Children’s eye exams are comprehensive assessments performed by eye care professionals, specifically tailored to evaluate the vision, eye health, and visual development of infants, toddlers, and older children.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the first comprehensive eye exam for infants between 6 and 12 months of age, followed by additional exams at specific ages or as needed based on risk factors or symptoms.

Regular eye exams during childhood not only promote good eye health but also support overall well-being and academic success by ensuring that children have the visual tools they need to learn and thrive.0

Why should I book an eye exam for my Infant/Child?

  1. Early Detection of Vision Issues: For infants, an eye exam will help identify potential vision problems or eye conditions at their earliest stages. For children, vision problems may not be vocalized, therefore issues might go unnoticed. Detecting issues early allows for timely intervention, preventing potential long-term complications or vision impairments.
  2. Critical Developmental Phase: During the first year of life, a baby’s vision is rapidly developing, while during early childhood, visual input plays a crucial role in cognitive development and learning processes. Early eye exams ensure that their visual system is functioning properly, supporting healthy eye development crucial for learning and interacting with their environment. Vision is closely linked to learning.
  3. Addressing Amblyopia (Lazy Eye): Amblyopia is a common condition where one eye has weaker vision than the other. Detecting and treating amblyopia early (usually before the age of 6) significantly increases the chances of successful correction.
  4. Identification of Eye Misalignment or Refractive Errors: Infant/Children’s eye exams can reveal issues like strabismus (eye misalignment) or refractive errors (nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism), allowing for early correction through glasses or other interventions.
  5. Preventing Developmental Delays: Undiagnosed vision problems in infants might impact their visual development, potentially leading to developmental delays in areas such as fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and academic performance later in life. Early detection and treatment can prevent or minimize these delays.
  6. Preventing Long-term Complications: Some childhood eye conditions, if left untreated, can lead to permanent vision impairment. For instance, amblyopia (lazy eye) can result in reduced vision in one eye if not addressed early in life.
  7. Correcting Vision Problems: Addressing vision issues early allows for interventions such as prescription glasses, vision therapy, or other treatments. These interventions can significantly improve a child’s quality of life and prevent potential developmental delays.
  8. Healthy Eye Development: Children’s eyes continue to develop as they grow. Monitoring their eye health ensures that any issues related to eye structure or function are identified and addressed promptly.

Ready to book your Infant/Child’s eye exam? Click below to request an appointment. Our friendly staff will be happy to reach out to you via text or phone call.

Questions? Call our friendly staff at (984) 297-8400 or Contact Us