Diplopia (Double Vision)

Seeing Double? Understanding Diplopia (Double Vision) with Dr. Patel at Family Eye Wellness

Imagine waking up one morning, and suddenly, you see two of everything. Your world is transformed into a confusing, blurry, and frustrating place. This unsettling experience is known as “diplopia” or, more commonly, double vision. Double vision can be disorienting and, at times, alarming. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of diplopia, exploring its causes, symptoms, and available treatments, with a special focus on how Dr. Patel at Family Eye Wellness can help diagnose and manage your double vision.


Diplopia, or double vision, is a visual anomaly where a single object appears as two separate images. These images can overlap, drift apart, or even be oriented in different directions. It can affect one eye (monocular) or both eyes (binocular), and it can be constant or intermittent.


1. Refractive Errors: One of the most common causes of monocular diplopia is uncorrected refractive errors like astigmatism, nearsightedness, or farsightedness. These conditions cause light entering the eye to focus improperly on the retina.
2. Muscle Imbalance (Strabismus): Misalignment of the eyes, often due to a problem with eye muscles, can result in binocular diplopia. Conditions like esotropia (inward eye turn), exotropia (outward eye turn) or hyperphoria (misalignment of the eyes vertically) are examples.
3. Neurological Conditions: Various neurological conditions, such as multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, or brain tumors, can affect the control of eye movements and lead to diplopia.
4. Trauma: Head injuries, orbital fractures, or damage to the eye muscles can cause double vision.
5. Systemic Diseases: Some systemic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, or thyroid disorders can lead to double vision as a symptom of their effects on the eye and surrounding structures.


The primary symptom of diplopia is, of course, seeing double. However, other accompanying symptoms may include:
– Eye pain or discomfort
– Headaches
– Nausea
– Difficulty focusing
– Eyestrain
– Fatigue

The specific symptoms may vary depending on the underlying cause and whether the double vision is monocular or binocular.


When it comes to diagnosing and managing double vision, having a trusted eye care professional like Dr. Patel at Family Eye Wellness can make all the difference.

Dr. Patel strives to help patients with visual challenges like diplopia. She begins with a comprehensive eye examination to pinpoint the root cause of your double vision. This may include assessing the alignment of your eyes, checking for refractive errors, and examining your eye muscles and overall eye health.

In cases where prism glasses are required, Dr. Patel can prescribe and customize these specialized lenses to redirect incoming light and eliminate double vision. Prism glasses are a valuable tool for individuals with binocular diplopia, as they can significantly improve visual clarity and comfort.

For those with muscle imbalances or other underlying issues, Dr. Patel may recommend vision therapy. Vision therapy is a personalized program of exercises and activities designed to improve eye coordination and strengthen the nerve input to the eye muscles. Under her guidance, you’ll work towards achieving single, clear vision again.


Double vision can be a distressing visual problem, but understanding its causes and seeking appropriate treatment can often lead to significant improvements in vision and quality of life. Dr. Patel at Family Eye Wellness is dedicated to helping you through this journey.

Remember, while diplopia can be alarming, there are effective treatments available, and many people successfully manage and overcome this visual challenge with the right care and support. If you or someone you know experiences double vision, don’t hesitate to reach out to Dr. Patel and her team at Family Eye Wellness. They have the expertise and compassion to guide you towards a clearer and brighter future.

Reference list:
Remington, L. A. (2005). Clinical Anatomy of the Visual System (2nd ed.). Elsevier.
Bagheri, N., Wajda, B., Calvo, C., & Durrani, A. (Eds.). (2016). The wills eye manual (7th ed.). Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.